About Health Coaching
Helping you to achieve your health and well-being goals
Hey there...
"I'll sleep when I'm dead" used to be my mantra. I worked hard and played harder. As a result my body, mind and soul suffered.
Eventually, I realised my approach of trying everything - keto, juicing, F45 - no longer served me. So I started on a journey to deepen my knowledge of and passion for holistic health.
This pursuit took me to India where I did my Yoga Teacher Training. I deepened my understanding of Ayurveda - the Indian 'Science of Life' - while I was there, discovering the principles of staying well and in balance.
I'm now a PreKure Certified Health Coach and a member of the Health Coaches Australia and New Zealand Association (HCANZA).
My philosophy is all about "prevention is cure". That small steps lead to big transformations,
And my purpose? Well it's to walk that path with you.
To help you feel like yourself again. And to discover the healthy, balanced and nourished person you want to be.

How health coaching works
I accept and meet you where you are at
Guide you to discover your purpose in life
Tap into your innate desires and drives
Address your physical and mental health as a whole
Set realistic and achievable goals
Design a wellness plan specific to you
Harness the strengths needed to overcome obstacles
Build a supportive environment for success

What is a Health Coach?
A health coach is many things:
A wellness authority
A motivating guide
A great listener
A mentor
There are many issues I can help you with - Type 2 diabetes, heart conditions, high blood pressure, gout, perimenopause, mental health, autoimmune conditions, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, PCOS.
To achieve your health and wellbeing goals, you need a health coach. That's where I come in.
By taking a holistic look at your current nourishment, movement, resilience and relationships, I'm able to guide you in setting achievable goals. Goals that will help you create new habits so you can live a purposeful, healthy life.

What is Santosha?
Simply put, Santosha means ‘contentment’ in Sanskrit. Santosha is all about seeing the positive in every situation and being content with what you have, rather than always chasing something “bigger and better”.
This word deeply resonates with me. I have found Santosha in my life and now I want to help you find yours.